地球物理学分野 洋雑誌 タイトルリスト 2024.2.20 revis.
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タイトル オンライン閲覧可能期間 冊子体所蔵
Annales Geophysicae. 1996-present -2009  
Atmosphere-ocean.   -2007
Boundary-layer Meteorology. 1970-present -2007
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 1970-present -2013
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 1911-present -2014
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2001-present -2005  
Climate Dynamics  1986-present -2007
Continental Shelf Research. 1982-present -2007
Deep-Sea Research. Pt. 1, Oceanographic Research Papers 1993-present -2013
Deep-Sea Research. Pt. 2, Topical Studies in Oceanography 1993-present -2013
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. 1976-present -2007
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 1966-present -2007
Eos : Transactions, American Geophysical Union 1997-present -2007
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 1981-present -2004
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems  2000-present   OA
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2006-present -2007
Geophysical Journal International. 1922-2012,  -2007 Wiley
Geophysical Journal International. 1989-present -2007 OUP
Geophysical Prospecting. 1996-present -2007
Geophysical Research Letters. 1974-present -2013
Geophysics 1936-present -2007
The Leading Edge 1982-present -2007
International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 1998-2008  
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 1962-present -2007  
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 1984-present -2007  
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 1944-present -2013  
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics. 1997-present -2007  
Journal of Climate. 1988-present -2013
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 1956-present -2007
Journal of Geodesy 1976-present -2007
Journal of Geophysical Research. A, Space physics 1978-present -2013
Journal of Geophysical Research. B, Solid earth 1978-present -2013
Journal of Geophysical Research. C, Oceans 1978-present -2013
Journal of Geophysical Research. D, Atmospheres 1984-present -2013  
Journal of Geophysical Research. E, Planets 1991-present -2013
Journal of Geophysical Research. F Earth Surface  2003-present -2013
Journal of Geophysical Research. G, Biogeosciences 2005-present -2013
Journal of Geophysical Research: Backfiles  1896-  
Journal of Marine Research. 1937-1982 -2013
Journal of Marine Systems. 1990-present -2007
Journal of Physical Oceanography. 1971-present -2013
Limnology and Oceanography. 1956-present -2007
Marees Terrestres-Bulletin d'informations   -2007
Marine Geodesy. 1997-15 months ago -2013
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 2001-present -2014
Monthly Weather Review. 1872-present -2013
Nature. 1869-present -2007
Nature Geoscience 2008-present  
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A,  1665-present -2007
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 1967-present -2007
Planetary and Space Science. 1959-present -2013
Progress in Oceanography. 1963-present -2007
Pure and Applied Geophysics. 1939-present -2007  
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 1873-present -2013
Radio Science. 1966-present -2012
Remote Sensing of Environment. 1969-present -2000
Reviews of Geophysics 1963-present -2013
Science. 1880-present -2007
Seismological Research Letters 1929-present -2016
Space Science Reviews. 1962-present -2000
Space Weather  2003-present  
Tectonics. 1982-present -2013
Tectonophysics. 1964-present -2007
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 1983-present -2007
Tellus. Series B, Chemical and Physical Meteorology 1983-present -2007
Weather. 1996-present -2007
Weatherwise. 1996-present -2015